- Children who have completed the age of 3 years are eligible for on is L.E. G.
and they have completed 5 years are eligible for first standard.
- The Birth Certificate should accompany the Application Form at the time of
- Children coming from other schools will have to produce Transfer Certificate
and Birth Certificate.
- Each student should bring their Handbook to the school every day.
- Students should wear neat and trim uniforms. Boys should see that their hair is
trimmed at regular intervals.
- All students should take part in the prayer as assembly without fail.
- Late comers will not be admitted into the class without the written permission
of the Principal.
- Leave letters should be sent with the signature of the parents.
- After 10 days of continual absence without permission the absentee's name will
be struck off the rolls.
- Parents or relatives are not allowed to meet the children or the Teachers
during school hours. If necessary, they are allowed to do so with the permission
of the Principal.
- Parents should contact only the Principal for any clarification.
- No student will leave the campus during the school hours without the Gate Pass,
signed by both the class teacher and the Principal.
- It is the duty of the parents to see whether their children are doing their
homework daily.
- Parents are requested to pay the fees in maximum 3 instalments (I in April, II
in September and lll in December). However, if the annual fee is paid in a
single instalment, a special discount is offered.
- Promotion to the next class is done on the basis of the student's performance
throughout the academic year. Attendance, punctuality, examination marks, home
assignment, projects and classroom activities are all important criteria for
- Parents are requested to read the above instructions carefully and to ensure
that both the parents and the students abide by them.
Note: Children must not wear gold ornaments to school.